To whom it may concern...
We are not your collateral, your goods or your chattels, nor are we your slaves or servants. When you think or speak of human rights, they are also our rights .When you insist on equality, we insist you be equal to us. Do not flatter yourself with the deception of your own perceived goodness. There is no mirror great enough to reflect the unified potential of our collective humanity. We do not crave your tolerance, you need ours, we are the majority in the world. We do not seek to dominate. Without wisdom your power is worthless. We do not cultivate armies of occupation nor generate nuclear propaganda. We c0ntain the meaning of peace, without which there is no meaning to life. We are not neutral, we do not support your wars, nor are we distracted from our steady progress, by the self indulgent feeding frenzy of compulsive consumerism. Our austerity is not poverty. We have no hidden agenda, no ulterior motive. The path we tread the saints have trod before. We have no master and ask for nothing. Civilization is our code, it is not written in a book. We do not wait for orders, our intelligence is civilian. We are of one mind , we are in accord . The sustainable future is our domain. All lies will perish only truth will remain. We need no opinion, we are the way forward. Progress is in every direction at once ,Chaos or the Eightfold Path. Love will not wait to be abused by mere tolerance. We didn't enslave you, nor slaughter you by the millions. We do not wish to be like you , you must try to be a little more like us . Don't flush your potentialdown the drain in the name of the love of an easy life. We may not be blamed for the sins committed in your name. We are all responsible for the future of the world , it's only big enough if we share it equitably. If you continue to slaughter the saints and the innocents, only the devils will remain to reign in a desert of ignorance. We are the people of the world displaced by your Empire shagging glory We remember God. God remembers us. Mutual regard, mutual respect, One is equal to one without division. There is no way forward without our co-operation.There is no way back. Join us or perish by your own hand.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Without Confidence.Who'd believe a crazy?
It's going to be a while yet before Without Confidence is properly primed. It contains samples of confidential correspondence alluding to shortfalls in levels of service and care in an N.H.S. Trust psychiatric unit.There are many thousands of words to transcribe and record. I realize I may be inviting suits for libel, I welcome them. Iznibz is standing on his hind legs now,he'll not willingly allow himself to be stood upon again. Names are real deliberately so. My promise to those named will be fulfilled.Iznibz holds the right of reply to be sacrosanct,any reply to Iznibz at home by persons named will be published.Iznibiz is open and honest without vested interest to mar his judgement,without conflict of interest or loyalty, An expose,in the Public interest 0%commission. "As a key witness of fact, a dissatisfied complainant after violent and unprovoked attack by staff in the employ of the hospital,being unfairly treated in violation of my rights in law, I've tried for years to gain effective and moral remedy through usual channels,complaints can easily be manipulated reduce to mere statistics bound for oblivion,wrong doers can therefor evade being brought to account.It wont do. I heard recently heard that the Chief Executive of Pembrokeshire and Derwen N.H.S. Trust has left. Whoever is the encumbant will have to take up the slack in what may turn out to be a moral and legal audit . of Individuals and institutions, jointly and severally. " U.F.O." ,Sullivan is better out than in for the good of all in my view. His written explaination of the law pertaining to human rights, implies that "on the nod" an unmandated abusers charter may as well have been written and upheld rather than the statutory guidelines on confidentiality and the administration of medicines,(poison to those who don't need them).
Of those of us who survive the abuse to our person, there are few who would dare to "make a fuss" ,of those who would dare,articulate enough to effectively complain,usually misguided into claim for medical negligence by gravytrain lawyers find their interests poorly served by the contractual condition of silence, against the right of freedom of expression. " Iznibz iz not selling iz rights! He is blowing iz basuri! Iz in the Public Interest.
Whilst at this post , Without Confidence will over time be full of words such as ethnic cleansing , pogrom, selective weeding, racially specific poison. They are not nice words, but they wont go away . Words such as corruption and,perverting the course of justice,and institutional racism,needs be handled carefully, advisedly so, they can be dangerous words to use lightly.Leave it to iznibz if you can't understand the syntax (they do the syn,we pay the tax?), leave the field clear for those who do. Whether your interest is corporate or individual feel free to write to iznibz, content over style is prefered. Lives are continually put at risk by unmandated abuse of office, at last I feel I may be able to make some positive( in the legal sense) Progress.
It deserves a capital P.
Of those of us who survive the abuse to our person, there are few who would dare to "make a fuss" ,of those who would dare,articulate enough to effectively complain,usually misguided into claim for medical negligence by gravytrain lawyers find their interests poorly served by the contractual condition of silence, against the right of freedom of expression. " Iznibz iz not selling iz rights! He is blowing iz basuri! Iz in the Public Interest.
Whilst at this post , Without Confidence will over time be full of words such as ethnic cleansing , pogrom, selective weeding, racially specific poison. They are not nice words, but they wont go away . Words such as corruption and,perverting the course of justice,and institutional racism,needs be handled carefully, advisedly so, they can be dangerous words to use lightly.Leave it to iznibz if you can't understand the syntax (they do the syn,we pay the tax?), leave the field clear for those who do. Whether your interest is corporate or individual feel free to write to iznibz, content over style is prefered. Lives are continually put at risk by unmandated abuse of office, at last I feel I may be able to make some positive( in the legal sense) Progress.
It deserves a capital P.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Izpoetry: Excerpt from "Tales from a journeyman's pen".
Psychoretinal paralysis. Photonsaturation. The minds eye retreats to soothing shadows. Crystalline fragments of consumed memory. Broken Continuity. The selective frequency channeling mass sacrifice driven hungry gnawing on the photoelectric bone. Fattening the indulgence of our dreams. The slaughter of our innocents. To hail the newborn king. Gladly thrusting tender hearts against a newly sharpened future. Cutting edge camouflage of parental neglect. Three dimensional appetites in a two dimensional world. Prefamine feeding frenzy. In fading memory on St.Stevens day, we search for those the madness overlooked. Critical faculties hang from screaming nerves. Hypothermic nostalgia for more caring times. Plastic wrapped, old husks pack small in the formless void of ritualised love. The skips are overflowing with discarded hopes and childhoods longing. Lotto till Lent, Blotto till spent. Whilst priests impressed by suffering, proclaim the New Republic in the spring.
One roller skate,and no stabilizers...
Day two. My anxiety level is rocketing,not so much from the prospect of the physical work, I've got ten years of correspondence to copy and collate. More that the effect of then publishing the data is bound to cause ructions. There's quite enough of them at the moment, but I gave my word to a lot of compromised and compromising, professional networks and individuals a moral audit would if necessary be forthcoming, iz word is iz bond. I'm well placed at present , strenuously occupied in my garden project, preparing the site for a wedding. The ensuing work will leave in its wake a living context for tutorials of a most delicious, aromatic and life supporting kind. A light in darkened times. Excerpts of "Iznibz and tales from a journeyman's pen" will be regularly updated. Working titles, "Towards positive policing", "Fast track to hell", and "Who'd believe a crazy?" might cause a rush at the fig leaf counter, we'll see. Discussion is vital, my grumbling old giffer bade me be ever vigilant lest we forget, so that I am. You'll soon be able to sample Izmusic on the Plughole. It'll be stored on everlasting vinyl. A picture gallery of the garden project, Imagiz speak louder than words. So, who is Iznibz when he's at home? An enigmatic third party, "Who shall remain nameless until further notice", says he. So be it. Izbizniz! Saynomore.
Tomorrow I'll use two fingers, and I'll try and breath at the same time.
Tomorrow I'll use two fingers, and I'll try and breath at the same time.
Monday, August 27, 2007
My first uncertain steps toward computer literacy.
I've got plenty to share, having searched for years for an appropriate vehicle with which to relate from the real life side of clipboard world. Tons of words, ideas, music, projects. I'll go slowly, good food takes time. Be patient, there'll be much blowing of whistle and banging of drum soon enough.
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