The U.K. Mental Health Detention Law is in need of reform. For decades violations of rights have occurred by the misuse of the law. as a habit of convenience you might say. The loopholes have been used to "tidy up" bad policing. that is without clinical or medical need and without just, moral or legal cause.Circumventing due court procedure and inflicting cruel and unusual punishment, a detainee's vocal objection to being subject to sadistic and malicious bullying, silenced. Incitement to commit acts of disorder by policemen is commonplace. First the wind up then the put down. Evidence is hard to gather, perceived threat of retaliation is not a delusional fantasy. A victim's word against abuse of office is often discredited by the prejudiced stigma of having then,"a psychiatric history". The victim/complainant might find they are merely humoured processed and appeased, ignored or seemingly used as administrative in house sport,,"Buck Passing the Parcel". Garnished with an,"if you don't calm down, we'll give you something to complain about". Badly treated innocent victims of institutional malpractice. Most complex complaint can be shuffled around to exhaustion of the victims resources without resolution.
How to avoid collateral damage, that's dead or injured innocent civilians, may only be addressed if institutions and professionals indivisibly, admit that the infra structure has been allowed to openly abuse targeted individuals, against all moral mandate, on the nod. A fact that may not as yet have been noticed or may have been deliberately overlooked, whether by accident or design would be pure conjecture.
My strategy of "the man has took the pains, the pen shall tell the tale...", the journeyman's pen has a wondrous life of it's own. It is benign in nature though it's voice may be stern it speaks righteously for anyone courageous enough to wield it. It would be preferable to merely speak openly about difficult subjects , perhaps more coloquially,if a platform existed to air the fact of even the possibility of institutional abuse.
Understanding the nature of the shortfall in service has at least empowered me to draw attention to some most disturbing facts. I expected to be stonewalled, as I was. How individuals in influential office cope with duties on going may be difficult, no one wants to cast a shadow on their own department,most improbable that short falls in discipline in house would be noticed by analysis of the visible personality of caring encrypted within the records of care. An internal audit of service is needed in short order. The marginalised view, the victim's perspective, must be understood in context the voice of the man who has been silenced, must be heard for the degree of slackness to be sucessfully quantified. Health and Life is put at risk with callous regard of detail, against all moral or positive Code of Practice.
Of those who could know and articulate who would stand outside the security of peer support under the pressure of maintaining a co-operative working consensus, on a daily basis ,life might be hard, but work could be decidedly more difficult. Who would dare point the critical finger at colleagues or supportive staff. A most appropriate person a first hand informed observer.would ,if objectivity were maintained be the victim /complainant themselves.
Investigation into the police's part in the causeless detention that could clearly establish collusion in allowing criminal breach of statute, amounting to assault by proxy and a breach of codes governing confidentiality and the administration of medicines, jointly,all proper investigation, by directive from above,from Divisional Commander no less, Chief Superintendent Paul Amphlett, if investigating officer D.C. Rhian Thomas is to be believed. More on D.C. Thomas's investigative policing later. Added to what are already symptomatically obvious signs of neglect of detail, still compromisingly unaddressed, is the well camouflaged dimension if the devil is revealed that would suggest that individual dissident voices from ethnic minority groups may be targeted on one side of the locked door and once detained may be mistreated by proxy. That unmandated discredited ideologies exist is not a matter of question, we are drilled yearly "lest we forget...", to be vigilant. My observation is empirical. I must insist that the overview on the ground be taken on board and acknowledged , if the facade of institutional caring is to be believed in at all not excluding all police responsibility, transparency and assurance must be forthcoming. So far there has been none. I am bound by my own code vocationally to act in service of work to help all others who might follow in my wake, and for those who still await just resolution still.
Using real details, real facts of record, within objective observable context needs must expose names and locations indicating credibility even with the passing of time. An audit based on independant verifiable testimony must account for my part," warts and all". It's not the only chapter in the glorious on going saga of my life. Much joy to share, alas much bitter experience
also to relate. The hurt is done the damage permanent a constant reminder. Those individuals, collective offices and institutions must be called to account, complacency is putting good lives at risk.
I am not so vulnerable to persecution and obstructive violation of rights, being well placed domestically, freed from perceived threat or constraint in my present exile , I resume what I
regard as my moral duty. I have no choice. In search of effective remedy whether one exists at present or not. If there is none perhaps its time to shove the details of fact, verifiable though obscure under the noses of those both responsible and influential enough to implement effective remedial action, if necessary legislation must be enacted but first the truth must be heard.
Being an avid listener to Radio Four attention has been drawn to two separate independant items whereby respected community leader and pundit expressed concern that in the current political climate , Muslim people , I would say all asians and those of mixed cultural background, we mixed for generations in the Indian sub continent, without conflict of interest or loyalty, need assurance that the same fate that befell the Jews in Europe wouldn't befall them. That fearful concern being expressed was enough to warrant prominent and swift reply. So far no noteworthy reply, a well timed play in Communications perhaps,who knows.
Given that the infrastructure exists that allows the ethnic cleansing of isolated or marginalised individuals and that selective weeding may be or may have occurred serving only unmandated cause against the perceived meaning of Statute, both spirit and letter. If the means exists for the possibility of illicit misuse of the system of care it is only a matter of time before the loophole is discovered and used. Even in exile my duty as a citizen loyal to democratic principle, enshrined in law,equitably, is to speak up loudly in opposition to tyranny and injustice
I smiled at my little Sony radio, blethering on about making an English language test a compulsory qualification for job seeking immigrants, on my recent trip to Britain I met fourteen to sixteen year olds who had barely a grasp of the pen let alone handwritng or spelling, observably below acceptable primary school standard. I took an interest, I looked. The kids were glad to share intelligence they too have unmet expectations. Perhaps if they should raise their voices in collective anger for being cheated the frustrated expression with no written word to serve nor wit to read, might boil up into an irrational call after much arguement, for medication rather than mediation. Everyone of us is at risk, moreso naive impetuous youth, many as yet idealistic, hopeful and uncompromised.
I may challenge any cricket test enthusiast to try to understand fully the implications of verifiable anomalies alluded to in many articles in archive and much yet to come.
Understand my syntax , my vocabulary , my philosphical lexicon of ideas and the political nuance of my cultural language. English being effectively my only tongue, I am other.
In the Angel, Islington is a statue I'm told to a man whose work inspires by it's relevance even today. Rights of Man amongst much other very readable english text was once regarded as treasonable,so many reactionary interests lobbied against him he exiled to France effecting an influence that aided the formation of the first National Assembly and inspired the wording of the original French Constitution in the early days of the Republic. I put my natural right to speak against injustice before the craven urge to compromise Principle Enduring in return for my subsistance and a bed. I must speak of acts which decidedly aren't cricket, committed ostensibly in the name of the crown, unjustifiable acts in truth that would shame crown and all sworn party support without exception. Understand the many styles of English language that serve and aid a righteuos cause of a worthy and honourable patriot to highest ethical principle, should any wish to gainsay that let them do so in writing with which a worthy man would take no exception. The Fast Track To Hell, with it's chemical cosh expedient is available to any one in the know, on the nod improper use of psychiatric medicine is no deluded fantasy. It is just another weapon within the police armoury. intended for covering very rare incidents, a person may be noncognisant of being at risk, a danger to self or others.Statistically disproportionate use against the stastical incidence of probabilityof medical or clinical need. feel secure in the knowledge that a place of safety order offers no tangible safety. Having run the gauntlet,I merely relate through the fact of experience. You all in the Engish speaking world need at least, need to know.My plea for a constitutional resolution minimising political exploitation of the issues may not be possible. Within legal and moral bounds I will do whatever else I can.
Institutionalised P.C. racism is being allowed to thrive evidently. more on that later.
Aspirant immigrants and indigenous righteous folk both as well as the moral majority of diasporan asians and their ofspring, often the blessed result of mixed cultural union, we have in common the need to be concerned that the possibility against all common interest , civilised uncompromised peace is undermined.
HEALTH WARNING: STARING AT THE SCREEN CAN DAMAGE A BRAINS ABILITY TO PROCESS LOGIC EFFICIENTLY. Take a break , have a walk, get some fresh air, look at something green. This isn't going away. I'll get back to you.. Smile back! Iznibz.
Monday, September 10, 2007
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