Thursday, September 6, 2007

Transcription of letter, 27th November 2004, To the executive of P.D. N.H.S. Trust, complaint unresolved.

  • A compilation of the complete correspondance will soon be ready for publication with a keyed commentary, In the meantime,I'll leave out the names of the innocent, mine.
Are you smiling? I hope so.
"Dear Mr. O' Sullivan,
As yet no response to my request,little to my surprise. though much to my dismay. Such caring, appears to my perception merely academic tokenism. The vicious reality of what that caring can mean is summed up well by the malpractice of the pseudo science routinely and vigorously applied by the consensus psychosis of your professions use of the chemical cosh of convenience. The cover of unenlightened self righteousness does nothing to inspire trust.
Your assurances that answers would truthfully be given! How so ? By your delegation? "the truth as far as we're aware" to paraphrase, serves little to inspire. One may ask criminals to cross examine themselves, and duly inform one of their findings. You have done little, provably. Where are the results ? you obviously understood my request, any lesser grasp of the language would render you to be seen as a total incompetant, executive or not. On understanding, one expects that you forthwith would have applied yourself. You acknowledge the thirteen pointed questions, not too difficult to answer for someone with one presumes a doctorate, they should by now for the most part have been answered. Starting with the easy ones first. Isn't that what one is taught in preparing for exams? It is hoped that willful neglect of duty is not to be seen as a qualification for service in the N.H.S. I show more respect for the institution, disproportionally more than it , by it's ill conceived action, showed to me whilst detained in Cenarth ward of St. David's Hospital,Carmarthen, a circumstance brought about by bad policing.
Where are the promised answers? Not here that much is certain.
Little time it took to make snap judgements in ignorance, less time it took to stab me with your poisoned needles. Speedily indeed, did the staff make every effort to violate my natural and positive rights. Now, Mr. O'Sullivan. My answers, I will not go away and the statute of limitations has not yet started to diminish. All that, violated rights, breached codes of conduct and smugly ignored responsibilities, by passing the buck, will be brought to account.
I was assaulted without moral cause, without clinical or medical need, with drugs poisonous to my physical health. My safety, as per "place of safety" was by your staff totally ignored.
Results beyond the extra pyramidal side effects of your collective malpractice are demanded. Weazle words about refering my complaints, now, to a review committee, as per one of your previous letters would prove to be an expensive and useless distraction in retrospect. Even an "eccentric" without academic qualification such as I, might see the truth of that. So I do.
Charge nurse Bowen must be brought to account Mr. O' Sullivan, so too all who performed what are ostensibly proscribed duties and obligations, improperly.
Can you provide the relevant data as per my request and your implied promise?
If so, to what extent is the preparation and collecting of that information completed?
When may I expect to receive the answers to my questions?
Will you be exhonorating yourself of the resposibility for the inefficiency, both witnessed and experienced?
Should you do so, who will be nominated to "take the rap" for provable irregularities?
Last one,Mr. O' Sullivan.
How may I be assured of the veracity of the data given to you, one presumes you act in good faith within your office? i.e. What failsafe mechanism as yet, to obviate future abuse and neglect of those within your collective.
All questions are within your gift to answer personally. I need to know,you have a professional duty of care,by your code, Statutory.
My view of the "caring" in Cenarth ward is not a self flattering opinion Mr. O' Sullivan. It is imperical. What may you discern from my inquiries so far, by that I mean what points do you think I try to make? What good (or harm ) do you think I try to do? I'm not a pocket filling professional carer Mr. O' Sullivan, but assuredly I do care, vocationally,no more diminished by that. The common care. 0% commission.
I will do my duty, Mr. O' Sullivan,as efficiently as my physical health will allow. No thanks go to the N.H.S. Trust.
The implications of facts pertaining to a case in Law,will be obvious to the public at large, equally clear one hopes to the executive of your profession.
My strategem for want of a predictable easily obstructed game plan, are for now, confidential.
Willful neglect of administrative duty may be of civil concern, but the matter in hand amounts to a criminal abuse of trust. More difficult to prove. I will not being employing an ambulance chaser to help capitalise on my misfortune, therefore no compulsion to sign away my right of Freedom of Expression in an out of court settlement. Principle before Profit. The matter in hand needs a resolution. Equity must be restored for the Common Good.
Not being as you people say,"run of the mill", (identified risk factor), you will not be surprised to hear that even with the given data (not of necessity accepted as true ), by the application of reason and logic, Mr. O' Sullivan, in Plain English (avoiding jargon), I will conjure a rational condemnation on behalf of all others, there being many not gifted to speak or write, or once "treatment " is over think at all.
Caring must not be seen to end in the admin. out tray nor must responsibility for care be terminated by the discharge of the "patient". One is only a patient if there is clinical or medical need. There was/is none. Law is based on commonly understood definitions, not the exclusive domain of self righteous self serving experts. Truth, is not a clinical opinion,whether singular or constructed by consesus. Facts will be seen ,Truth will be known, detatched judgement made in overview. I have no need,nor is it my practice to fabricate complaint, I have firm grounds, moral and legal.
You will receive a letter from my constant companion of seven years. A person more knowing of me than my former wife, incidently, Mrs. D.M.G. My companion A.S.D. bore witness to some of the issues of contention and complaint,whilst visiting me in Cenarth ward.You have my authority to answer her questions, with reference to my confidential data according to the
Codes of Practice,something that was not given in relation the data used to my detriment
against best practice, gained from improper discussion with my fomer wife by staff, her opinion was neither qualified nor objective, neither were her motives either honourable or caring, provably the case. Your own apparently dyslexic understanding of the true and common definition of Patient Confidentiality will not even with your exalted status, pass muster. Your written statement is damning.
Please reply to both my companion's and my requests as soon as possible. The urgency does not lessen with time.
The quality of my life has reduced considerably since the neo liberal clipboard interpretation of the meaning of care adopted by some of your staff, I am burdened as a result of their malpractice. Not content to do nothing, I am often forced to do little by involuntary shaking, the assualt to my person for no moral,medical or clinical reason is continually brought to the fore of my consciousness. There is a real concern that I would be unduly persecuted , indeed harmed by those protecting their own interests, political, pecuniary or other, for instance in Carmarthen. Where I was once happy to perform my music in the summer tourist season on Market days.
My concern is not an irrational fear, therefore not clinically treatable,borne of experience not paranoia. My legal rights are violated as cause for fear, by the implied threat is tantamount to an assault, against my person by my anxiety and against my civil rights. Without proof positive that you are doing something to allay concern, you ,the executive may be seen to be jointly and severally culpable
Whether the attack was politically motivated or just sadistic, regardless of need is immaterial. I may prove my case in law when need arises,with my existing data. The questions to be answered are to ensure objectivity and transparency, I hope we concur, there is a need. Any delay or obstruction to that end will be seen as an attempt to pervert the course of Justice and by protecting the wrong doer , collusive assistance to a crime after the fact. You may wish to disagree. Please do so on the record.
I am not constrained by professional code and ritual. I will expose all as observed and witnessed in the proper place, all protocols will be observed as regards legal exchanges. In the parlance , Mr. O' Sullivan Acting (Equity member? No?)C.E. The fat lady has yet to sing. Sing she most certainly will.
The fabled Mrs. D.M.G. it is hoped will be taken to task in Law as her criminal actions are overdue for investigation by the court. I act without favour or prejudice,honourably so. 10 years of surviving her strenuous opposition to my gaining material proof of fraud and embezzlement and much else will be brought soonest into the public domain . The involvement of the N.H.S Trust is not the main feature of my life, merely a complication,not an inconsiderable one. She performed a malicious tort against me resulting in an assault by proxy. Avoidable had the commonly understood unambiguous definition of N.H.S. Code been properly adhered to. That's why the code is in place for heaven's sake. Do you not agree?
Another question ,you can prepare your answers. I would be grateful if someone in the executive had the moral courage to address the issues in reply. Omission for fear of reproach may be construed as Neglect of Duty. As professional, executive no less, you must on occasion DARE TO REPRESENT YOUR OWN VIEWS.
There is clinical need to address the consensus psychosis,often neglected or ignored by your profssion that is historically a tradition, context is all. One can uphold the spirit of the Law whilst denouncing the letter.A moral duty on occasion as a Dr. I imagine,one accepts. If practice is putting patients and detainee's alike at risk it is your Moral and legal duty,to stand up and speak clearly toward prevention and against reoccurence. Convenient Loopholes of escape in law will in time snare those who habitually use them .
I am as you may gather, not content with the results so far. I hope tone and content are clear Mr. O' Sullivan . In writing to you, I write to the whole Trust executive. Please, with my full authority, share by all means with others,qualified peers. Enlightened response in over view may be inspired by discussion .
My correspondence and evidence so far is copied and stored, For my own security. There is need. you may conjecture as to why. Much damage, hurt and loss I have suffered, one learns to be careful.
Please take notice., That whether shoulder padded or clad in trainers, the negligent persons as well as their employer,(none being above the Law), will be called to account. Both the civil and the criminal matters need to be put to bed. You may inform your Legal Department of the state of play so fare as may be identified, there may be some who would wish to inform their union. Comply or not, I will do what I must. A nominated legal champion will be activated soon enough , on completion of my most reasonable civil inquiries. Nothing will be lost by righteous deed. If the principles of the N.H.S. Trust are to be defined by your criteria, by the level and the square man, the perceived greatness of it's self exhalted edifice will surely crumble into dust. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? I would be shocked if so, as would the needful people you profess to serve. You are well placed and qualified to answer. C'mon man, do your bloody duty or be damned by your own lazy hand. You have a choice, I have not,nor was I proffered one save the coersive bullying in Cenarth. "By our actions we are known", irrespective of opinion. One sees by the light that casts no shadow, not an "identifiable risk factor", INTELLIGENCE is all. One head is decidedly more efficient than the many headed beast.
I hope and trust with respect that you do not find cause to be fearful of my spiky tone. How I feel is sorely hurt as few enough have proved caring by conduct and the common definition. Ms. A.S.D. is one who provably does care please confide in her.
I close now, you may well be grateful. I hope your assistance and co-operation is hastily forthcoming, more than enough time you've wasted between letters, (no excuses please).
Your reply is eagerly anticipated."
Yours sincerely, IZNIBZ.

Truth Singular Over Opinion......

Iznibz at Home

After more than ten years of virtual homelessness, a part of me has found a virtual home. I'm grateful for small mercies, don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'll try to remain positive. The mission in hand at present, the Return to the Fabled Realm. Unfolding a sustainable life supporting future from the eroding relic of the historic mistake. I hope the little field has seen the last of the tractor.It needs to rest after the rigors of industrial servitude as do I. Mutuality observed. It needs to become a place in it's own right not just a thing to be used and then abandoned. I think I know how it must feel. We're both walking wounded.
They threw me out with the rubbish, back in the day's when they treated human resources as just another cheap commodity,they thought recycling was a form of hippy transport. I recycled myself, no longer fit for commercial exploitation. Left to it's own devices the earth might resurrect itself, in doing so it may exclude a place where Man might be hospitably nourished, nurtured or sustained. That wouldn't do. By rights we should be going in the same direction to where our mutual destiny is served. A place, a living space, a state of grace.
Wisdom is a divine quality of action, it may not hide it's nature in a word that can be uttered by the mouth of man.
Meeting the challenge of sun baked clay and schiste joyfully, the land seemed to meet us half way allowing us to put much into store already with an abundance yet to come. Where it's been dug the surface area is increased and the available root space. since the work began in April the garden field has become a more profound and convoluted place. I scratch the unutterable word upon the earth I am sustained by the harvest of it's meaning. We eat, we smile. I return to my labours inspired by visions of a glorious future.